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Become a member or renew today for The Spafford House Museum

You can purchase a membership by downloading our membership form below.


Student (

Becoming a member of the Perrysburg Area Historic Museum, Inc (d.b.a. The Spafford House Museum) is easy.  Here are the options:,

Your active engagement at any level is appreciated:

___ Student (grades 1-12)                           $    5.00

___ Adult individual                                        $  25.00

___Family                                                           $  40.00

___Patron                                                          $100.00

___Corporate                                                   $500.0


Also, if you would like to be actively engaged in programming or outreach, just indicate that on the form below and return it to the following:

PERRYSBURG AREA HISTORIC MUSEUM (d.b.a. The Spafford House Museum)

P.O. BOX 1294

Perrysburg, Ohio 43551



Street Address:______________________________________________________



Phone:________________________________ E-Mail:________________________________________


I want to be an active volunteer.  ____  My skills include:______________________________________

grades 1-12)      $5                   Downloadable form HERE

Individual                           $25

Family                                $40

Patron                             Want to donate to the museum?

Your contribution will be greatly appreciated and will help keep the doors open to the public and establish a permanent fund for operating and maintaining the museum. All contributions (straight donation or event tickets) are tax-deductible.

Please mail your donation to:

Perrysburg Area Historic Museum, Inc.

PO Box 1294   Perrysburg, OH 43552

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